Sunday, September 27, 2009



Anonymous said...

Everyone just has there own style. You rock Gemma!

Maddie M. said...

awww! everyone has a different style, i agree. yours is amazing.
never change for anyone.

2ndComing is an Illustrator said...

STUFF and Sprinkle M. are right. But just look at the great piece that came out of your peril. love it!

auburn said...

yeah, it's kind of like that. i guess most artists feel like this sometimes. well, i feel like this when i see your art. x;)

Petra said...

i love this! definately how i feel when i look at your work :)

harriet gray said...

lol this is so true! x

Pixel Wild Child said...

It is just so true! I love it! ;O)

Ana said...

Brilliantly true. But I have second Petras comment... I often feel the same way when I look at your body of work!

●• Thereza said...

hmmmm, i guess we all know the feeling.. your work is lovely :)

Trude said...

This is the peril for every kind of artist! I feel your pain. I need to stop reading other photographer's blogs, but I can't!

Clare said...

ironically i had this exact same thought while looking at your work on flickr this morning... so it's all a question of perspective.
The internet is my biggest downfall! (but also my biggest help.. once again a question of perspective haha)

ahurie said...

So true…

Karin said...

I love this. This is so true!! I have many days when I just want to pack it in.

saga said...

oh, this is exactly how i feel looking at your work :)

maddy said...

wow, this is so so so SO true. looking at this makes me feel just like you've described.
can i post this on my blog? you deserve some credit for this!
peace, maddy

Unknown said...

sooooooooo true!
gemma, i hate how i knew you through the internet.
awesome comic, have always been a silent lurker but i have to comment.

chloƩ fleury said...

it's exactly the way i felt yesterday when i saw your blog, your work. i cried all the nite asking about myself, it's so hard to be an artist!!!
i love your illustrations! really!
thank you

Sandra_peinture said...

hi Gemma !
I feel the same thing while watching the work of others and very often I want to stop everything. But we all have our style and so much better.

Sandra_peinture said...

And You have 243 followers so your work is not as bad as you think

alanna said...

this is perfect! i have had these thoughts many times!

pupu said...

yeah, sometime i feel like that too when i visit artists website. i think i am not good enough but then everybody has their own talent and unique-ness. i love your work very much! ^^*

About said...

I know the feeling! though you shouldn't have any doubts the internet will always remain a major distraction!

kate sutton said...

Oh my gosh... This is me!!!! xx

iamanoctopus said...

Ironically as many have said, I felt this looking at your work. Keep up the great work! : )

John said...

The irony is: I'm jealous of this.

Gabrielle Rose said...

Oh yes, just how I feel when I look at Gemma's work! :)

Genevieve Kote said...

This is EXACTLY how I feel!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! this is me every single day!!

Anonymous said...

I just looked and you don't have this as a print in your etsy shop-- please please please please make one!!!!

Estrella said...

OH my God!! totally happened to me! i guess i am not the only one feeling bad about it!

Luz Preumayr said...

thats me

Owlsight said...

Wow, I absolutely love this. I feel exactly the same when I start checking out other illustrators websites (yours included!).

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