Monday, October 26, 2009

totes pugs

the long-awaited PUGS NOT DRUGS tote bag is now available to purchase in my etsy shop ...


lili scratchy said...

I love it!!

Clare said...

I'm following you everywhere with this link (sorry if you already saw it on twitter) but if you haven't seen it and you knit then I wouldn't want you to miss out:
When I saw it I couldn't help think of your pug love and drawings

alejandra said...

i'm going to buy this and turn it into a back patch for my jacket. word!

Anonymous said...

you're killing me with all this pug cuteness! ugh!

Oh, not sure if you're aware of this, but you're featured on SFGirlByBay, super popular blog in US:


Anonymous said...

oh, one last thing: i received my order last week and thank you for the extras you included, gemma. i love them all. :)

rikit said...

yes! i bought one <3

Fayoona said...

saw them on sale in SundayUpMarket last week. did a little happy dance after interviewing you! they are even better in ze materialflesh!
xx Fi from SaveOurShoes

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