Monday, January 11, 2010

giveaway time

cold boy
To celebrate (nearly) 1000 sales in my etsy shop, I've decided to do a giveaway. The winner will receive a little mystery package containing things that I've made and some nice things that I've found.
Just leave a comment below.
The winner will be picked at random, next monday.


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Claire said...

Yay for generous, celebratory giveaways! Count me IN! Congrats on mega sales too.

Zara said...

Hey G!

That collab of ours is going nowhere. Oh, life! Anyhow, I decided to drop by today and saw your latest. Congratulations on the "nearly 1000" sales!

Speak soon,


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful start to the year- so exciting! x

Alyssa Thomas said...

Yay! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations on 1000 sales. How wonderful! Thanks for the contest. Count me in!

S. Rankin said...

Ohh... How I would love to win!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my! 1000 sales, Congratulations! You should have a wee dram to celebrate all your hard work. Office Dog says well done too ;-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations and thank you!

dirtandhoney said...

oo! pretty pretty please?
and congrats!!!!

jamie.t said...

Congratulations on nearly 1000 sales! :D

I absolutely love your work by the way. Your Daily Diaries make me smile. :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sales!

Betty Scandretti said...

1000 sales--that's wonderful! Thanks for all the pretty things.

Irit said...

Yay! I love your designs. :-D


BigEyes World said...

I want the surprise package!!
Love your cats <3


perasymanzanas said...

oh wow!!! i know who is going to be now my follow Role Model ;)

Rosie Alia said...

How exciting! love your work :) congrats on sales! big love xx

Emily said...

Congratulations! What an excellent accomplishment. Thanks for doing a celebratory giveaway - count me in!

Mathilde said...

Ok let's try to win : ) I love your drawings !!

stefania said...

i can't buy the things you make because i don't have a credit card........ but i'd love to buy everything!!!
pleeeeease!!! i have to win!!!!

Teasemade said...

oh i do like to celebrate, congrats to you!!! also the best things are surprises, how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your excellent sales! I've never left a comment here, but this seems like the best possible moment!

Grace Hsu said...

I have two pugs, how cool is that? ;)

Unknown said...

Congrats! Hard work pays off! Keep it up!!

auburn said...

hey, i'm in!

dannybee said...

Well gemma i'd love to win haha! Sign me up!

Ian Cleary said...

Oh goodness, oh I'd definitely love this... I could share the booty with my favourite girl, and we could simper together at you, at some future Clutter City shindig... how sweet it would be to win, sweeter than sugared pugs :-)

johnny&stacie said...

Congrats on your success! We purchased one of your pugs not drugs totes for a friend's holiday gift and it was difficult to part with. We'd love to be considered for the give-a-way:)

Alexandria said...

I love your work, and major congratulations on having so many people who love your work! Here's to 1000 more sale!s!

shelleysavorblog said...

Yippee! Congrats on the sales ;-D
Much more success awaits you.

Julia said...

pugs, and cats. pugs and cats. pugs pugs cats cats pugs and cats.

Neil said...

Count me in!

astulabee/nicole said...

me too! congrats!

stina said...


xoxo stina

Curlywiggles said...

Yayness for you! Hope you are keeping safe and warm.

ck said...

congratulations your stuff is awesome and funny

Benedict Mayer said...

Congratulations! You deserve it!

Erin W said...

I would love to win!!

Chelsea said...

hooray! congratulations! how lovely! :)

Suzanne said...

woohoo! congrats to you!
count me in :)

Jessica McLeod said...

Congratulations Gemma! Here's to 1000 more! :)

Menina Dedê said...

Weeeeee! Congratulations!

Jackie Thomson said...

yes please!
1000 is awesome, go gemma!
pugs and kisses (haha)

Unknown said...

ooh! congrats! I can't wait until I get to just 100! So proud, you know I love your work!
lingua nigra jewelry

Pauline said...

cash money. congrats on the 1k sales!

love your daily diaries blog.

Anonymous said...

HOORAY! I would love to win it!

Stephy said...


I adore your art and, apparently, so do a lot of other people!

Bianca Jagoe said...

Aw, that's awesome. I'm so in :)

postpony said...

i am in!

Unknown said...

Ooooh, yes, please!

pinkpandamary said...

WoW! I love your work! I'm in Hong Kong. I've and Etsy Shop too! But my sales are far away from yours.

Mallory said...

joy joy joy!

William Street Store said...

Oh that is so exciting!!
All your work is so incredible!
Congratulations on 1000 sales!! xx

mosaicmole said...

Congrats! and wish you a even more productive year!!

Ange said...

Oh yes please! And well done on the sales. :)

Vesle Serena said...

congratulations!! :) your work is fab! xxx (these word verifications words are funny BTW)


patricia sahertian said...

congratulations on your sales. your work is great, it's no wonder.

Faren Bearowitz said...

I am praying one day I am half as fantastic as you are. Congrats.

Barrett said...

Congrats! May you have thousands and thousands more!!

Absolutely Small said...

How can I resist? Congratulations on nearing 1,000 sales! You deserve it, for you are awesome. ^-^

Frida said...

Woho! Congratz! I'm in!

Kayleigh said...

i got your zine from cafe royal it is ace! :) x

About said...

what a great giveaway...and congratulations on all those sales. said...

Congratulations you wonderful woman! Your work is so inspiring, I wish I had a pug of my own!

Nathalie said...

1000 sales? wow, that's huge! bravo! and thanks for the giveaway.

oh!caroline said...

yay for 1000 sales!
and yay for giveaway time!

Helen said...

Count me in, please! And Happy Etsy-versary! Congratulations! xxx

Claire said...

Wow 1000 sales!
Congratulations, you really deserve it.
Love+ pugs from Claire xx

RT said...

i just ate a biscuit in the morning in honour of this achievment.

nath said...

wow, that is brilliant Gemma, almost 1000 sales? i bow to your greater talent! (i have 9 sales) hip hip and all that!

ollka said...

wow, so many sales! congratulations! and being a fan of your work, i'd love to win, of course:)

bron said...

Wow, fantastic news! Well done - and, of course, well deserved.

RahRah Repeats said...

Pick me random picker, pick me!!



d e b b i e said...

a treat indeed!
count me in! x

Sandra said...

Well done on 1000 sales, quite an achievement. Here's to the next 1000, keep it up!

Unknown said...

Yay-Congratulations! x

Jess said...

Me, please, and thanks!

Gerlin said...

Deservedly so, those 1000 sales Gemma! Hopefully there will be many more to follow, but I'm sure there will.
I've already got your Let's Ride tote but other stuff would be nice too. LOvely idea this giveaway!

Maria said...

Congrats for your sale! Even from my furry cat who's sleeping near me...

Duduá said...

I would love to receive that mistery package :D

Katinka said...

I like your pictures.

vickeh said...

Well done Gemma, here's to 1000 more :)

sarah said...

So glad to hear you're doing so well! Here's to the next 1000!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Congrats on your milestone, Gemma! :)

Steph Says Hello said...

1000?! Wow, well done! That must be a LOT of trips to the post office :)


Jen Collins said...

congrats on near-1000! that's really excellent.
yes please to giveaways!

Anonymous said...

congratulation / herzlichen glueckwunsch


Anonymous said...

1000 Etsy sales is definitely an achievement! I love, love, love your work, especially the awesome daily diaries! Congrats!

gloria said...

Yay!!! Congrats Gemma!!!

*pug face*

Stina said...

wow, congratulations! i'm so happy for you dear!

beyond said...

congrats on the sales! i love your art...

Unknown said...

congratulations! and yay for giveaway! i love your daily diaries. and everything else as well.

Lizz said...

I've been wearing a full winter outfit like that in my house this week, SO COLD! congrats on the sales :oD

Bony Bünz said...

wow congrats for your (nearly) 1000 sales !! (and to the nearly 1000 happy lucky buyers too !!)

Kate said...

Hi lovely Gemma, this is a nice idea :) And congratulations!

Catherine said...

YAY! Congrats on your sales! Loving your work as always, Cat x

Anonymous said...

a thousand best wishes!

Jenni Armstrong said...

I am happy to say I contributed to this amazing sales total and have two lovely prints in my room which make me happy everyday x

Sophie St Vicious said...

the mystery of the mystery package is well exciting!

Littleclouds said...

me me me me!

Just as long as its not dog poop you'd be making me so happy for 2.5 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Pick me! :) Also, I stumbled upon this and thought you might like it.

Jennibun said...

to own something of yours would be a great honor!

Michelle said...

Yaay! Congrats!

Iain said...

Congratulations! Keep the good stuff coming in 2010.

arsenicofago said...


E*phi said...

Ooooh, please, great squishypuggodess, pick me this time!
Gemma, I wish you even more success with your etsy shop! May the world be flooded with pugs, cats, cute girls and awesome new interpretations of batman!

Snowbeastly Designs said...

Congrats on all the sales! I would love to win some of your gorgeous work! :)

Jemma said...

congratulations on your nearly 1000 sales :) well done!

Jemma x

tukru said...

well done, i do like a good giveaway. *wink*

xx tukru

Karin Söderquist said...

Wow, 1000 sales! That's amazing!

"Mystery package" I like the sound of that!

Laura said...

well done on all the sales!

Unknown said...

congrats! :] i love your blog.

sinyee said...

Hi, Gemma. When I'm frustrated at work, the thought of reading your dairy drawings at night makes me cheerful again. If you publish them as a book, I'm definitely buying.

Kim said...


alice said...

Congratulations on the all the sales! Thank you for doing a giveaway :)

Ket said...


Gemma-Louise said...

YAY! Congrats. Totally loving my "Pugs Not Drugs" bag too, thanks x

Clare said...

WOW so many sales. Congratulations.
Please please please let me have some luck, I would be so happy to win!

Unknown said...

Happy Happy! I love celebration giveaways.

Dave Bain said...

well done gemma... you are an inspiration!

dropstitch said...

When I grow up I want to have 1000 sales on etsy, too! Well done and don't forget the little people - at least ONE of those sales was from me :)

marta lucy summer said...

such a sweet idea! thank you.

Charlotte Varela said...

This is such a lovely idea! Fingers crossed eh? :] x

darcy dubose said...

yes please!

jill said...

as i sit in my boring work office in new jersey far far away...i often visit your etsy shop to see what new things you've posted to brighten my day (i'm hoping my boyfriend buys me the kitty print for v-day). today i decided to click on your blog. ooh and you're having a giveaway....! fingers crossed! :)

Girl_Industries said...

Wheeeeee! Mysteries!

Flora said...

I like mysteries! I like surprises! But I love your crazy kooky stuff even more!
Pick me!

Niina A. said...

Oooo congrats on nearly 1000 sales!

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

Oh yes please!

Caitlin at Salty Oat said...

your drawings and illustrations are among my favorites. thanks for the giveaway!

... said...

Congrats on your (almost) 1000 sales!

julia said...

oh, well … 130 comments already? I’d still like to win ;)

Anonymous said...

A BIG congrats on the achievement of this milestone (or soon to be achieved)! Yay!

EmmyBo said...

I just received some of your amazing cards in the mail and then found this giveaway because now I need more! :-)

Lyridz said...


celebrate it with me.. yey!

ella said...

i'm in!

Samantha Eynon said...

1000 sales! Wow that's awesome! congratulations! Def had to comment when I saw this! I love ur style lady!

bloodybunny said...

!!!! horray for nearly-one-thousand-sales !!!!

I am so curious,
some things you found

eaaks !!

Maria Louise said...


(Please pick me, luck)

artfoodsoul said...

yay! found your blog just in time! it pays to be an armchair traveler!

Claudia said...

I love your blog and I'm sooo curious about the mistery gift!!!

Steve Appleton, said...

Here's my comment... I've got my fingers crossed.

Anneke Koster said...


Alfie Puglesworth said...


Unknown said...

Count me in!!!

saga said...

woho, I'm in! LOVE your work

emily rose said...

Yay! your drawings and creations keep me inspired and happy all the time.

tee said...

yay! i'm glad i finally have my internet back, i missed your blog while i was gone %_%

Anonymous said...

I found this shirt with your art on it, there is no name credit, so I thought I would send it to you to make sure its legit!

Adm said...

Well done you Estite you!

christy said...

ooohh i hope i win!

Maddie M. said...

Congratulations, Gemma!
PS-I just hung up a bunch of art on my wall, and your art was a part of the collage. Thank you so much!
xoxo Maddie

Christine said...

Congratulations - that's a brilliant milestone! Your work is adorable.

me said...

Congratulations Gemma! Love all your work!

Cat-Rabbit said...


Top work, you're super!

Hollie Jane said...

i love your work, especially your little diary entries.
i am just starting my final major project in my 3rd year of illstration degree (stressful!), so i come to look at your work for a bit of fun :)

Louise Parker said...

hooray! :)

Anonymous said...

Exciting! By the way, me and my boyfriend both bought each other one of your cards for Christmas - completely by chance. Great minds and all that...


Bonjour et félicitations!

I have very much enjoyed having your J'adore L'hiver wallpaper this winter. It incorporates all my favourite things about winter and lets me indulge in my French geek side whilst still being cool :-)

shana said...

Gemma! I love your kitties and I always lurk on your flikr page! The daily diaries are the best!

Trude said...

Congrats on all those sales! Wow! Would loooove a daily diary in a mystery package. ;)

maren said...

as you can possibly imagine i would LOOOOOOOOOVE a mystery package too! <3 thanks so much for yr card, you'll get one from me soon! x

Morgan said...

Hello! I have a little painting by you in my living room.

Tigz said...

wow please count me in, I love your stuff!

Kraggy said...

oooo well done!
i can only dream of getting to that number!

Kiwitz said...

you are on my top 5 favourite illustrators of the entire world. For real :)

i want it!!

Michelle said...

mmmm yes please! :) x

giulia sagramola said...

wow this is really amazing Gemma!!! :D
I'm heeeere!

Lauren Ebanks said...

Gemma Gemma you go girl!

Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
beckstraordinary said...


KatieEatsCake said...

congrats on the sales! you are so inspiring c:

Michael Nobbs said...

I have my fingers crossed!

nevertheless said...

yay, congratulations!

Rachael said...

Hello! I love your work Gemma, it makes me smile!

karen said...

WOW you're doing so well! Hurrah!!!! Lots of love :-) xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hey, good job!! i wish 1000s more!!

Nina Lindgren said...

you have a very sweet blog!

linda said...

i like your work so much!

i posted a link to you on my homepage:

Michelle Kondrich said...

Congrats! Your work is great - I hope you compile those journal pages someday.

Happy New Year and here's wishing you have a Pug by this time next year!

markoconnellstudio said...

Love your work!

Helen Birch said...

drawing, illustration, make-y do-ey loveliness here :-)

Noelia - nectarina said...

Oh! I love giveaways! specially if they come with Gemma`s goodies!!!

Tiffany said...

:) Bloggers are some of the nicest people around :) Thanks for the chance to win!


PS If I win, please email me, sometimes I have a difficult time getting to blogs on my computer.

Unknown said...

yeyyy little mystery package! & 1000 sales, it's all good! lovely lovelyyy! *fingers crossed* ♥

Steph Goodwin said...

I do so love your work, congrats on almost 1000 sales!!

Laura said...

Congratulations :) Please count me in too!

Anonymous said...

I want want want some quirky littlest creations of yours.

Cant get more honest than this :) :)

and the P.S.... you are my favourite :)

Kellininaperkins said...

Love your work. Quirky is as quirky does. Kelli

Sašo Vrabič said...


Isabelle T said...

congratulations on the sales and thanks for being an inspiration!

Neri said...

to be honest i'm kind of obsessed (with your work) :D

Chelsea said...

just saw your pug cute. thank you for being unique.

Jenny Keane said...

Does the mystery package include a pug???....ahhhhh! me! me! me!

Unknown said...

wow! i love your style!
amazing giveaway!!


Rachel Shillcock said...

oh this would be amazing...I've followed you on twitter for a while, love your stuff. :)

Jing! said...

Gemma, here's to counting up to 2010 sales and more in 2010! Happy New Year, Darling!

Sara said...

congratulations on so many sales but i must admit it doesnt surprise me - your work is magnificent ^^

take care and thank you for the chance!

kate dyer said...

Lots of people want nice things! Oh dear! I'm going to enter anyway! :) x

KernTheWord said...

PICK ME!!! I'll bring you a pug!

Sara said...

Congrats on all the Sales Gemma! That is awesome.

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