Wednesday, January 25, 2012



Anonymous said...

Yes, that is pretty much how I feel...

Lovely/fun/quirky/creative as always.


TheYellowRose said...

Glad I'm not the only one!

Lois said...

oh this says it all! has january lasted 3857503 days, or is it just me?

lois mae

Unknown said...

Thank you! This is exactly how I feel...

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
That is all.

I. Widiastuti said...

What's the matter with January, almost everybody feels the same about this month. Me too.

Glenys said...

Awww. Cheer up! :)

Camille said...

ahah your blog is very lovely and funny ! i love it !
You are in my love links on my illustration blog :) You can visit it at :

mydeerfriend said...

Ha ha! The face says it all...

(But it's nearly over!)

Stuart Adams said...

This was me yesterday.

Kim Welling said...

Oh thank god... I though I was the only one!

mynameisjane said...

i love your drawings, and i love this. thank you for sharing your art. they lift up my spirits.

Anonymous said...

...this is how i feel today...

monika viktoria said...

I just discovered your work, your website, your blog.... and I utterly adore everything you do!

Isacile ▲ said...

The same !

Jess.Morillo said...

ay qué bonica!! ^_^

Inés said...

I went to your exhibition in BCN, it´s beatiful ^^ love it!!

I went to BCN before continuing the trip to Angouleme and I met one of the girls in the studio and she told me that they were having your things there and i couldnt believe it!

By the way, I loved the sketches and the small cards.So cuuute

Cindy D. said...

Haha, I feel so bad for laughing at her obvious pain/melancholy/exhaustion, but her expression is just perfect!

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