Thursday, December 27, 2012

win win win

Win a signed copy of my book "A Cat's Life" - simply leave a comment below... Winners will be chosen at random, whenever I feel like it. The winner has been selected and contacted!


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Burak Taşdizen said...

We so want to get a copy! I mean me and my two cats! (=´∇`=)

Marloes de Vries said...

Awesomesocks. I need this book in my life asap. Fingers crossed!
My email: hello(at)

hannah said...

I got your book for Christmas (it was on my list!) and I love it very much. I hope whoever is lucky enough to win this will love it just as much x

daniela cardone said...

i'd love to have one!

livinginlancaster said...

I'd love a copy of this book--your posts always brighten my day. :)

Kelli Marie said...

I LOVE cats! :3

Unknown said...

Meow-meow. :3

E said...

want!! :3

Unknown said...

My cat Fat Chops Nora asked me to write on her behalf she says like her mum she is a huge fan of your illustrations and would love to win a copy !

serge said...


Polona said...

My kitty agrees with "Cat hair on everything is the new black". And agreeing is not something she does.

melle amo said...

That is so so TRUE (from an owner of 2 black cats)

Kt Vanessa said...

I want it so much!
I promise to take a picture of my cats and dogs with your book !

♥♥ !!!!

Kt Vanessa

wanbun said...

My cats and I will love to read your book together!

maira araujo said...

yay for cats! ^=:=^

mairabaraujo [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

oh my gosh! i want it!!

Nina said...

if i win, i will give this book to my cat person friend. :)

earthquakebird said...

Would love to add this to my miaowntain of Xmas presents!

bbpomme said...

Pick me pick me pick me :)

olga m. said...

I'd love one please!!!!!!!

JDUARTE said...

I need you book! And signed by you is a plus! :)

Becky said...

Gemma! I am a huge fan!!!! I just illustrated a book, and I have constantly been looking to you as the master of illustration + social media.

Your art and humor are an inspiration. Keep it up! As much as I want the book, I know whoever gets it will be stoked. Just don't stop drawing, and I'll be happy. It's a joy to us all!

Unknown said...

Totally true.

marta said...

pick me pick me pick me :D

tottywhyte said...

Your drawings make my life worth living!

M.♥ ✌ said...

Omg your comics totes make my daily morns at work MUCHOS lovelier!!! ♥ Goes superbly with a nice cuppa jo, just the way it should be :D It'd be definite radness to receive a copy of your book, Gemma! c:

PP said...

I almost choked on my cat's hairballs.

bellthecat said...

I have enough cat hair around here to knit another cat. :|

Marghe said...

i'd love to have a copy!

WendyM said...

Yay! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I really never go anywhere without being covered in cat hair.

Anonymous said...

SOFT KITTY WARM KITTY little ball of fur!! .........

woethia said...

cats !!!!!!! i want one!

Unknown said...


Emilysujo said...

Oooh me me me! :) x

Katharina Netolitzky said...

Haha... I know that feeling, although it's dog's hair :)

Emilie said...

Oh, what a lovely giveaway.
Your drawings are wonderful.
I really like yesterdays drawing with the photoshop cat. :-)

MissCartier said...

A must have in my library! :)

Rin said...

I'd love to win this so I could give it to my cat loving friend :D

fuzzy diary said...

Hello! I've only seen one cat since I moved to Sweden. Your book, and if I won, would bring joy to my life.

Haydia said...


Constança Nobre said...

Oh Gosh it would be so cool to win this! :O

Gabriella Cinque said...

Ciao Gemma!
Grazie ad un antichissimo rito propiziatorio, ho letto nel formaggio della pizza che sarò sorteggiata :D
Please, please! I want your book! Love your art!

Unknown said...

I love your work!

Kaitlyn Parker said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your work and would be stoked to win :) Thanks for the offer.

ila said...

Don't know if u can read this comment: I wrote another on e ten minutes ago and I can't find it :(

Eventually, sorry for the dupe.

Love your work,

Gabriela said...

Miau ! prrr prrr

nilka said...

cat hair! <3

amy beth said...

Cat hair on errything is da bomb. <3 -abgp

( supah *at* supah dot com )

Maria Louceiro said...

YAY \m/

Fran Court said...


Enkephalins said...

Such a cat addict <3

querido diário said...

cats in all are the new black <3

Unknown said...

Haha ! I love your cats. They make me ''aaaawww'' everytime ;)

paryys said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paryys said...

Your illustrations make me happy! Would love to have a lovely book from you :-)

Gabriella Cinque said...

Ciao Gemma!
Grazie ad un antichissimo rito propiziatorio, ho letto nel formaggio della pizza napoletana che vincerò certamente questo bellissimo libro!
Please, please, me! Me! I love you, your pugs and all the band of misfits!

Lia said...

I love cats!

Aycan Başar said...

I used to have a huge phobia against cats, until I saw your illustrations! They are so cute !!

Mariya said...

I would love to win! Good luck to everyone! :)

Marcela Bs said...

Ha ha, my cat agrees!

I really want this book, thank you for the giveaway!
Best wishes for you for the next year!

Katie said...

Because who else would steal my toast, roll all over my work and bring slugs into my bed? haha

Seriously though, cats are the best. I love your illustrations Gemma :)


Alejandra Salvatore said...

I hope to win this gorgeous book!! And signed by Gemma would be the best present for New Year!!!! Miaaauuuu

Clara Roethe said...

to have a cat is to be covered in cat hair and occassionally also find one in your food. :) i miss my cats..(they stayed with my flatmate once we all moved out..sigh) keep up the lovely work, Gemma! :) xx

Unknown said...

I love cats. I am actually obsessed.
Your drawings are so witty and I would be honored to have this book. I will place it front and center on my table for everyone to see.

מיימון said...

I ♥ cats!

you tread on my dreams said...

Cat people unite, we're taking over this planet ! ^___________^

eme said...

I really wish "black with white cat hair all over" was the new black... It would save me so much work.

Arzu said...

OMG! I neeeeeed to have this :) I love your work! Waaaaahhhh!

leeann walker said...

I need this book in my life so much! The illustrations are adorable and clever as well as funny :) Your work makes me so happy to be studying illustration, best wishes for 2013 x

Isabel González Llanes said...

Lovely book :)

Unknown said...

I'll read it to my dog to bring her down a peg

gigifiji said...

I love your designs, adore cats and am a proud crazy cat lady. My two Kitties are walking ,miaowing pieces of your art <3

dropstitch said...

The new black?! For the first time in my life, I'm on trend! :)

=(0.0)= Lu said...

5 days ago I adopted two kittens from the street. One of them died today and the other won't let me alone for a minute, not even to go to the toilet, he even asks me to go with him to the litter.
And of course, I go.
He's white with black spots. And I'm proudly covered in his fur.
I saw your post and laughed out loud. He woke up and meowed me, got up from my lap, turned three times and curled back to sleep.

Fat Bottom Bakery said...

This really reflects my reality (and I love it).

tribak said...

I want it :3

Fefê said...

I want it!!!!

Angie Z said...



Sarah said...

If only life was so simple that cat hair was a fashion statement.

Bee said...

Meow meow. I want! :3

rO Melancolida said...

I want it!

annabellaroxs said...

All i want for christmas is this lovely book (unfort none of my friends got my hints) but you might just like to surprise me plz!!! Purrlease!! X

Louise Forshaw said...

Would love a signed copy. Thank you for doing another giveaway :)

Naomi said...

I would love to win! :D

emily said...

Finally, cat lady is in vouge.

ThePaintedPisces said...


Giulia said...

pick me!!!

Alba said...

I want to read your book to my cat. We are your fans!

Rafael López Castañón said...

: )

The Crafty Dino said...

omg winning this would make me happier than a cat whos got the cream, and a mouse and a warm spot to make scolding faces at us non felines....your illustrations are just amazing.

Britty Luna said...

Good Luck Everyone! :)

Oziosamarti said...

Uh uh uh this would be an amazing late christmas present for me :P

Sophia said...


Anonymous said...

Meowmix Meowmix purrrrrrlease deliver :-)

satu said...

jee jee jee, hope it's me!

Nd said...

yes, plesae!

the shadow said...

Thank you for the giveaway Gemma!
I have a princess cat named Catalina who made all my clothes look like fur! :)

Stephanie said...

I would love your book!! I think you're hilarious and talented <3

Julie said...

I need this book! :)

Ola said...

i'd be superhappy to have this book :)

Matt Partridge said...

I would LOVE a copy of this book.

Unknown said...

Everything I own is black and/or covered in cat hair. Would love to win!

Ana said...

Awesome! Thank you so much!

MB said...

Got to have this book. I think it's hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

My cat would love to leave his hair on this book

nitchii said...

I would like to have this as to put perfection towards my obsessive compulsive behavior towards cats. Thanks, gem.

Queta said...

Love this!

Anonymous said...

Miau <3

GALaxy said...

I love your art so much! This would be so awesome to win!

Unknown said...

Yeah book, cats, comment, meow, want! *internal flailing*

Romina (Decorando!) said...

I would love to have it!
Thank you


Elena said...

Meow!!!!! (I WISHHHHH!)

Anonymous said...

Looks so good, I want this. please!



Melissa said...

My coworkers at the veterinary hospital would LOVE this!

alex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kater said...

There's a lint roller in my purse and it's still never enough. I adore all of your work and I would love the heck out of this book!

alex said...

this would make an awesome belated xmas gift!!! ....for myself....

Anonymous said...

I love your drawings!! please, please let me win this book!!! Greetings from Argentina :)

marikarak (at) yahoo (dot) com

Oceanrabbits said...

I'm a huge fan of your work! You are one of those individuals in my life who I look up to and I hope someday and I can be as successful as you.

Unknown said...

Win! win! win! awesome!

Unknown said...

Why not!

KittyLili said...

(,,)^___^(,,)gimmeh that book

Silvia Rossana said...

I love your drawings! WANT IT!!!

Victoria Taylor said...

I like chicken, I like liver, Meow Mix Meow Mix please deliver!

One competition entry from Vicky and her kitty Oscar "Fatty Boom Boom" Taylor.

victoria at upcdownc dot com

Thanks for running the comp!

Sarah said...

I bought a copy for my best friend this year, but would love to have one for myself as well. Thanks for the chance to win!

SarahVV said...

I love all of your cartoons! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful work with us :)

Allison said...

I would definitely like a copy, to make up for the lack of cats in my life.

ejah said...

me!!! *paws up*

Alycia said...

oh i would love to win this!

monika viktoria said...

How meowerific of you!!!

Crazy_Athens said...

Oh yes! That's exactly how I feel when the two cats of my boyfriend come and sit on me! Then I grab the hair remover thing and return my clothes from mohair to what they originally where...
(if I won you can find my e-mail at my website!)
Thank you!!

Cecilia said...

I'd love that!

Polly said...


Vicky Emmonds said...

Love this and all your work! X

Anna Solé said...

i love it!!
and of course, i want it! :)

Average Jane said...

Aww, that woukd be such a nice present, I love your cartoons!

Tawreh said...

Aiee :) I bought a copy of this for a relative this Christmas but it came sealed in sellophane so I wasn't able to read it first ..!

AVY said...

I want to be a cat.


Unknown said...

Would love to be in for a chance of winning your book x

estefani said...

Amaizing! Your work is simply amaizing!

davidgtzzz said...


Mugregatos said...

Gemma!!! Have you ever considered drawing your fans pets as a contest? Love you, doll. Your work is amazing. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I would love a signed copy! Love your work.
my morning coffee

Trinity Carolina said...

I promise that I'll read it for my 10 cats! Have a GREAT New Year, Gemma. LUV. Tnahk you <33

Suzan Choy said...

YES! This would be a dream come true!

alicia said...

I love your humour! And I love cats! :D

Unknown said...

Gemma, I am a poor italian girl with a cat, called GATTA CATTIVA (=Evil Cat). Please, let me have a copy of your wonderful work !

With Love


Eugenia Arroyo said...


Honey Daze said...

Hope you feel like picking me :P

zombie said..., no. vacuum cleaning cats is the new black.

Wenting L said...

Winning your book would be the next best thing to having a cat!

tNt said...

Hehe, we have cat hair in our teacups and on sweaters. No biggie, we are talking about family of cat-lovers who has a lot of cat-loving friends.

Laura Black said...

As the owner of the hairiest long-haired cat, I can get behind this cartoon. Also, your book looks awesome!

Unknown said...

SOS!!! My cat had been kidnapped by a bunch of dangerous criminals!!! They want a signed copy of 'A Cat's Life' as a reward... Help me please!!!

sinead dowd said...

I prefer dogs however cats amuse me.

Roxane said...

Mmmm your cat is far more exciting than mine. All he does is eat and run outside. My ankles are permanently covered with orang fur and I swear, people ask me if my new perfume is "Cat N°5"... :-) But he's still the most exciting thing in my life right now!

sweet harvest moon said...

I totally agree, cat hair on everything!

PanicaLab said...

woow!! I would love a copy too!!!

Unknown said...

*sets down cat hair roller and comments*

Anonymous said...

Would love a copy. All your drawings always give me a laugh.

Lauren Ebanks said...

omg cats! I wanna win this!

Camila said...

Meeep! I want a copy!!! Seeing as my luck when it comes to winning stuff is pretty close to non-existent, is there a way we can BUY signed copies? I can't see the book in your shop, just on amazon.

onlytakenotes said...

My roommates would like to know if catnip mice or fuzzy balls can happen to fall into that envelope too.

Kelly said...

trying my chances. :3

Imola said...


Lynsey said...

I want it!!! gemma correll is my hero.

Justine B said...

I wear this every day. Cat hair I mean. I'd love to win!

LucyAppletree said...


I am quite disappointed to hear, that you are giving away a free book. Why not fish? Why not catnip? I am quite fond of these.

Or possibly a new scratch post, mine is beginning to look like a frazzled matchstick, the cat next door pisses me off that much that I must obtain my pride by slowly dragging myself through my catflap, to then scratch my rage out on the post. Then the humans table leg.
Then the humans curtains.
"Silly cat!" they call me. They forget, I am their master. Who could be more sillier than human, for they do not take advantage of the scratch post heaven that surrounds them. Who could be more sillier than naming their master pebbles.
I am not pebbles.
For I am Darth,
the cat with opposable thumbs.

Unknown said...

oh. my. goodness. it would make my year! and, my cats' years. looking forward to more of your posts in 2013 :)

Unknown said...


Florence said...

i really really like cats

Unknown said...

love your drawing and words!!!

Gema said...

I would also say white cat hair is the new grey, since the girl with whiskers here moved in nothing is black anymore... Oh, and from one Gema to another Gemma, we would love to get a copy!!

Shicake said...

Oh cats and their hair... everywhere.

Kattz28 said...

I would love a copy and more cats! (=^.^=) :) x Kat

KMA said...

i feel that i need Your book in my life, because every single picture that You post, describe my 2 cats perfectly. and the one posted above is my everyday nightmare (or maybe a trend now). but i love my fluffy motherfuckers with my whole heart.

Monica said...

I would love this book! I adore your work xo

zera said...

I am a big fan. I have your 'pug' pins all my work..etc. Thank you for the smiles!

Jade Probitts said...

I love your work so much! And I love cats so much too! Ahhh excited! :D

Stefanía Torchelli said...

Lovely! Amazing opportunity (:

Elina said...

I bought a copy for my friend for Christmas, but now I need one for myself!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome opportunity :)


holly said...

Hey Gemma! Been a fan of your cats / style since I first saw your murals at the Norwich Arts Centre in 2008 - been following ever since.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Holly x

Siobhan said...

Pick me randomly meow?

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me!

Meow said...

Ha! Pick me please, I'm a certified cat lover!

Eric Setyo Nugroho said...

is that book just for cat? because my dogs want that book :|

Angel said...

Oh me! But I don't have a cat. I've got a dog that acts like a cat, and sheds like crazy. :]

Teresa Fieltrovitz said...

Your cats´lives make me laugh a lot! so I must be the winner hihihi

bluntcookie said...

I want one ^^,

Leslie said...

Love your art!

Floppykat said...


DorothéeV said...

My two cats Yoko and Pixie would be very pleased to have their own signed copy of your book, Mrs Correll. They would even learn to read for that, if it is required.
Anyway, thank you very much for this giveaway, and for adding some joy to everyday life !

JacquelineNicole said...

Cat hair is the new black, because you can't own anything black because of all the cat hair. At least with my white cat that's the case.

maggie said...

Perfect belated Christmas present for my roomie and her two kitties! Merry Christmas Gemma & family!

hello said...

meow meow meow

Adhitya said...

You just gotta choose me as the winner, Gemma!! I need your cat drawings in my life! XDD
Furfully yours,

balcairn said...


Laura said...

omg, i love all your comics. i just sent this one to my mom!

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