Friday, September 11, 2009


Win one of these. Leave a comment... I will pick a winner at random, in a few days' time.


Mike Mitchell said...

someones getting lucky!

Girl_Industries said...

I'm giving my fiancé one of your cards when we get married on Saturday. But now I want something for me! If I was lucky enough to win, I'd show this off at work to make my pug-daft colleague smile.

Mauro said...

Me and Giusy love pugs . They are our favorite animals in the world. My life long dream is to have hundreds of them! Amazing card by the way :)

Hollie May said...

ooooooooh adorable! ive always been a huge fan of your shop!


RT said...

i would love this, but hey, so would everyone!

Kayleigh said...

wow i wish i had a scarf that long.

Anonymous said...

*crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

oooh yes, I'd love the notepad on my desktop:) if it is the notepad version, I'd glady take a print too.

will RT also.

have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

Let it be ME! :)

Eva said...


icandy... said...

This giveaway is way too cute! Thanks for hosting!!

Katie Taylor said...

that's so nice of you! what a lovely thing to do <3

Niina A. said...

Oooo cute more puggy goodness!

joyce said...


lisa currie said...

super sweet notepad!

Max said...

me me me!

oh!caroline said...

yaay, a pug with a scarf! i want to win it too! :D

maren said...

I WANT THAT HAT OF YRS!! and the notepad of course. :D

Flora said...

oh! I love it. Great week-end to you :)

Louise said...

Oooh wow, I would LOVE to win this. I love the little pug - I really want to sqoosh his face!

Jo Bryan said...

Hi thanks for offering the cutesy notepad, just right for cooler weather. Please add me

Addie said...

Too bad its just getting warm over here, but this print is lovely all the same. Cute dog!

trude said...

it's kinda getting cold. better put on a scarf that long and wrap it around a hundred times!

clairol said...

Whee! Lovely! I am greedy and thus am entering this giveaway despite having received a package of joy recently. I just can't get enough!
I've Twittered it too. Yay!

Sean Parker said...


hope your show at the tea lounge went down a treat.

Racheal said...

thanks for giving one away:D
the pug warms my heart

Jack Draws Good. said...

ooooooooh how lucky I love the idea of this and look how many people have been getting involved : ) love it can't wait to find out who's the lucky person! I've got my fingers crossed personally but shhhh don't tell anyone


Jo Want said...

Lovely Puggly Jubbly! :)

dropstitch said...

I'm embroidering a pug this weekend and looking forward to scarf weather - woo hoo!

Sophie St Vicious said...

you just motivated me to start knitting a new winter scarf

Church of Craft Athens said...

I love that drawing! especially the little scarf!

shelleysavorblog said...

Charming as always ;-D Just love your work!

alice said...

Scarf weather soon! I just started knitting again.

Benedict Mayer said...

Love it, really like the restrained colour palette aswell. Gold Star!


Super cute and fitting, I wear scarves about 355 days a year, and I live in NJ.

perasymanzanas said...

36!!! i hope one day i won something in a blog *_*

Ana said...

Yay!!!! Thanks Gemma *-)

Unknown said...

lovin it!

Erin Dollar said...

i love this! one of my favorite memories with my boyfriend is sharing a scarf on a wintertime stroll... not to compare him to a dog or anything ;)

Anonymous said...

Aw, it's great, Gemma!
Hope I win. xxx (fingers crossed)

k said...

super perfect for fall/winter :)

Casey said...

you're talented!

Hayley Potter said...

Some pug jokes:

Why is it called a "litter" of pugs?
Because they mess up the whole house!

Why did the pug bite the annoying lady's ankle?
Because he was too small to reach any higher.

Surely that creativity deserves a gift?


PS Have you seen this website?

Jen Collins said...

i can always use some new notepaper! hooray for giveaways.

Unknown said...

for you:

Karin said...

It's so adorable!!

Unknown said...

I love it!

A Synonym for Living said...

meep meep!
oh pick me puleez !

Mickey said...

hi gemma, just went to inkygoodness to see your work and bought the F**k off cat because he made me laugh out loud. The malevolent look on his face reminded me of my cat Coco cos she's a complete madam : )
mickey x

Victoria Stitch said...

this is beauts, i love winter ands snow and snowflakes and woolly hats!

Jess said...

I'm a new subscriber, but I've been admiring your drawings for a while. I love your work!

Anonymous said...

Oh, me me me, please.
I absolutely love what you do and I hope this time I'll have luck!

We Blog Artists said...

Am I still in time to enter???Please....

Flora said...

Hello. This is sweet! I like your Flickr group too!

Anna said...

Me me me! pick me!!
I just adore your drawings!!

giulia sagramola said...

I HAVE to partecipate ;)

Noelia.nectarina said...

Oh please fortune come to me !!

denis said...

i love coffee!

improper miss said...

yes please! oh, scarf weather. cannot wait.

parisa mahmoudi said...

Sooo Nice !!!

Clare said...

I L O V E this lots.

la ninja said...

randomly leaving a random comment for obvious "(un)random" reasons. :)

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