Monday, August 16, 2010

another bloody giveaway

win a selection of kitty-related goodies! (not necessarily the exact ones shown, but you'll definately get a scribble kitty tote bag.)
5 winners will be chosen at random... comment below.
Comments are now CLOSED!


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☠ jen ☠ said...

i'd love to be entered! <3

Baie said...

I definitely want a scribble kitty tote bag! So sweet.

Anke Weckmann said...

pick me, pick me!

glitterysah said...

Oooh, I love that tote!! Fingers crossed! xx

Vesle Serena said...

Love your kittens!!

Cathy Peng said...

oh, kitty items by you.
yes, please.
thanks :)

Michael Popek said...

I'm in.

Unknown said...

Me too! Me in!

Yvonne Stewart said...

Love the tote, really cute :0)

dear colleen said...

I'm a dog person but your cats stuff rocks:)

Aurora said...

Ci sono anche io! :)))))))

Sara said...

I'm a big fan of all your work. Please count me in :)

Heiko Windisch said...

Pick me! ^___^

Kim Edmiston said...

pick meee!! i ♥♥♥ your kitty illustrations!

Sofia said...

ooh pick me!

Emma Lucy. said...

oooo scribbly kitty cats! i would really very much like to win please miss queen of pugs. xx

Natasha Thompson said...

wow! i'd love a kitty tote bag, in fact anything by you lovely! :) x x

HELLO TIGER! said...

Yay! I'm in!

makeascene said...

wow, those things look awesome!

Unknown said...

count me in. i'm in love w/ all this kitty humor.

KatieEatsCake said...

so obsessed with your kitties! best giveaway ever!!! c:

marawitz said...

biggest cat lady!

Sandra said...

Gemma, loving the scribble kittys - so cute!

oblong said...

*puts hand up in air as high as possible, waving frantically to get attention*
me! me! me please!

Kayleigh said...

oooo i love your kitties, the new blog is brilliant. :)

Anonymous said...

would love to be entered, thank you :)

oh!caroline said...

yaaay, kitty-givaway!!

heleneweston said...

owww please say it is me who has won this amazing bag of kitty wonderousness..oww i wish !

Unknown said...

Count me in. Kitties rule!

Jing said...

Gemma, why aren't we BFFS IRL? I *heart* your work.

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

Oh, I would love to enter my name, if possible ! thank you for this awesome (and not bloody !!!) and generous giveaway :D


Neon Whispers said...

love cats, love your illustrations: win win!

Kitty McKitten said...

Kittttttiiiiiies! Scribble kitty is beautiful. Any opportunity to own more kitty-related items is a good opportunity!

d e b b i e said...

ah lovely!
what a treat x

emily rose said...

Hooray for your lovely drawings!

amy beth said...

I <3 the kitties and puggies! <3 <3 <3 <3

Emma Collins Ba (Hons) said...

Gee hope I win! I'm knitting a scarf and watching the Punisher with Dolph Lundgren. I like to divulge my mundane life.

Meaghan said...

Hooray! Thank you.


Jamie Mills said...

I have 5 cats...

Some more wouldn't hurt, I suppose.

perasymanzanas said...

cats had a second chance with me, since i saw this whole collection

Anonymous said...

i'd like to be entered! yr brilliant

summer c

Tania K said...

Moi moi!
obeymostlaws / gmail / com

emily b said...

*purr, purr, nuzzle nuzzle*


Tigz said...

*miaowwww* purrs affectionately

Sophie said...

Enter me please! :)

Unknown said...

mew! *desperate scrabbling of claws* mew!

Charlotte Varela said...

I love the kittens! Count me in :] fingers crossed!
Charlotte. x

marmushka said...

lovely!!! ♥

Jenni said...

I'm glad that this is a giveaway that isn't bloody. I sure wouldn't want a kitteh's blood on my hands. That would be tragic.

Caitlin at Salty Oat said...

love your illustrations! so, so hilarious!


sarah said...

I already bought the scribble kitty tote bag :o)
So, I would love to participate for my sister. She finished school in June and starts working as a nurse this Thursday. The tote bag would be the perfect present for taking her lunch and uniform to work!

almiux said...

PodrΓ­a ser yo? please!

Margie Oomen said...

pick me pick me pick me
say arwen, lord byron and edgar
my three adorable kitties

Faren Bearowitz said...

This is like the giveaway of my dreams! Hahaha

kind dog said...

oh please,please,please pick me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marina said...

ahhh! i definately want the scribble kitty tote bag! :D i have my eyes on it since you first published on flickr!



Louise Forshaw said...

Love your kitty tote bags! Found your work just recently but totally love your style. Enter me please! :)

Maria said...

I have already the mirror and the notes with the kitty.. Well, I have some pins as well. Now I need the bag. Definitely! This is the best catway ever!

Sandra said...

Ohhhh, I hope I'm not too late, I love you designs and I love, love, love your cats!

Ian Langohr said...

I want to win!

Chelsea said...

oh how lovely! :) i adore your work!

Alison said...

Yes please!

Ephemeral Mailbox Museum said...

my kitty Zoe says "Heck Yes!" to you Gemma, so I figured I should enter. She has great taste!

Helen said...

Enter me please! x

KristenL said...

I love kitty cats!

Irit said...

Eeek! So cute!

allison said...


Unknown said...

not another bloody entrant... yes please enter me in!

Chris said...

Wow, you have a lot of fans.

Jo said...

count me in pleasey Gemma

big kitty loves x

mariah said...

OHHH! everything about this giveway is so cute! :D

Trude said...

Hooray for kitties! :)

Gemma-Louise said...

I love your kittie sketches! Yay! Love to you and norman Xx

Bee. said...

oh, you charitable darling (:
i've just spent the past five minutes feeling like a milk nazi due to my cats subtle way of making me feel like a cruel tea sipping human. take pity!

Pinkrain - Mafalda Laezza said...

pick meeeee-ooooowwwww!

le petit said...

woohooooo!!!!!! yo quiero al gatito quΓ© bonito es!!! pequeΓ±o y adorable!!! i luuuv em !!!! FINGERS CROSSED

YahΓ΅n Nabih said...

How wonderful!

Belinda said...

oooh me me me!

Hilary Grant said...

I love those kitties!

Julia said...

► me too me too ◄

srhclrk said...

oh my!

Unknown said...

Please count me in! I would absolutely love some kitty goodies, loving your work! x

Tamara said...

oh man oh man oh oh man

Sophia said...

Oh pick me! Pick meee!! I love your giveaways :)

Frida said...

i'm def in for another bloody giveaway!

Lynn said...

Im in! hooray for kitties and giveaways!x

April said...

:::fingers crossed:::

J. MartΓ­ns said...

I love that kitty with the yarn button. It reminds me of my fat kitty, Geoffrey, when he's asleep on my laundry.

Beverly Ealdama said...

dear gemma, pick me! =)

maeg said...

yes! love your kitties. got my fingers crossed!


She Draws said...


What a turn out to a giveaway!

As everyone else, I would love to win!

Thanks :)

perrine said...

oh i'd like to be picked!

Minnie Barrister said...

Ooh yay, pick me pick me!

versavice said...

I just love kitties! Especially yours!

Sandra said...

Love your bloody giveaways!!

steve appleton said...

I'm always up for treats!

emzjbz said...

It'd be awesome to win one of those scribble kitty tote bags; they are so adorable! :D

Florence said...

That bag is mighty cool,
count me in!

Anonymous said...

I heart kitties <3

heksita said...

it's gorgeous!

Sally said...

yay. Kittens!! I would love to win this stuff!

Hilde said...

Kitties! =^..^=

Ashey said...

This is so cool! I love your illustrations~

EJ said...

Oh me please! Cats rule.

Anonymous said...

I've got one of your little notepads on my desk that I bought from LO store in SF and written on it is all the ingredients to a mandarin cake. Not sure whether this is of any interest but I am sure that kitty bag would make a pretty good transporter of eggs, flour, caster sugar, eggs and a can of mandarin slices...

(also, your illustrations are mega awesome..)

have a good day :)

dom stuart said...

im in im in :D

. said...

Aaw, cat stuff! :D

susanne fyfe said...

oh i love your kitty illustrations!!!!!! the scribbled cat one is my favorite :)

fabrizio mingarelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah McNeil said...

Me too!

Glitterskin said...

Fingers crossed. I love the kittehs so!

Unknown said...

adorable! i've always wanted some gemma correl to hang up/walk around wearing/show off to everyone... winning this would also lessen the pain of not being allowed to have a cute little kitty of my own

Secret Ginger said...

*Fingers & toes are crossed*

Lesley Barnes said...

pick me!!

Anna Russett said...


corduroy cat said...

*swoon* hope i'm lucky!

Svenja said...

Oh, I need this adorable cat bag!

limguine said...

Oh yay!!

Polly said...

I LOVE your drawings and I love cats so... I'm in!!

emily said...

Eeeek I am so excited for this! Any chance of a signed Mr Pickles autograph to go with it? :D

harriet gray said...

ooooo these are soooo ace! awwww so so cute, this would totally make my birthday (20th aug .. hint hint) heheeeeee x

Unknown said...


Angela said...

I couldn't resist to comment after seeing the bag! <33
Hope I'm lucky this time :)

ps. Thanks for doing that!

cristina said...

Love your giveaways, pugs and kitties! :)

stina honey said...


K said...

Wow! You've certainly got a lot of entries here! And understandably so! Who wouldn't want this super cute bag??
I know I would! :))

michelle said...

what lovely things!
i'd love to own the bag, a great idea! X)

Kim W. said...

wow exciting..what a cute giveaway! i love kitty's! thanks gemma! x

Julissa Mora said...

How cute! I love kitty goodies! I hope I win (fingers crossed) ;)

dropstitch said...


Unknown said...

So lovely ! I hope it's for me <3

BigEyes World said...

Oh yes!
I want it so bad!!

Camila said...

so cute!

Elisha Schnell said...

Wow! How wonderful. That scribble kitty kills me EVERYTIME I see it. Rock on you super talented thing.

Remona said...

Ah no, maybe i'm too late now.
Still would love it.
Tote bag is too bloody nice:)

darcy dubose said...

this would be lovely to win!

monrix said...

Pick me, pick me! <3

Jen said...

I want to play too! These kitties have style! I'll give them a good home.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway!! :)
Would love to win! ♥
x x

Jess said...

Kitties brighten my day, and so does this giveaway! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

oooh i'd love to be entered!! just got the stuff i ordered off your etsy site today - love it - especially the pug mirror. dying to get my paws on more :D

please consider me

heather - mullinsh86 (at) gmail (dot) com

thanks <3

olivia said...

you are the most excellent person, and for some reason i didn't know you had a blog until now! following you now of course.

Clara said...

hello to mr. pickles!

courtney.janelle.sews said...

loooooove that tote, and all your kitties!

Anonymous said...

Count me in :)

christy said...

love it! please count me in!

katiepie said...

eeeeeep!! pleeeeease pick me!! I <3 your illustrations (and kittehs of course) :)

lilly piri said...

Will Mr Pickles be drawing the winners? I hope so!

marianella chanchonauta said...

I like kitties :)

Gabby said...


laurence said...

thank you for doing this! :)

Unknown said...

me! me! pick me!

Jane Cullen said...

Gemma, I love your stuff!! My little pugs name is Ruby. I think she and Mr. Pickles would get along famously. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

Bec said...

I have to say I love your pugs, but these kitties are just as cute =)

Unknown said...

me and my two good looking cats would die for something like your new cute tote to crawl into :)

mew x 2 :)

shipssail said...

yes please!

Megan said...

Awesome :) I love your new scribble kitty tote, and that mirror is the best!

Thanks for the chance to win!


julie said...

I hope I hope me me me!

Z. said...

I love your illustrations - they're adorable! I have my fingers crossed!

Mallory said...

hurray, hurray, hurrah!

lolitserica said...

ahhh! want! <3

Erin W said...

Oh! Thunder Kitty would love it if I used the tote as his overnight bag!

Cecilia said...

I loooveeee the scribble kitty! I hope I'm lucky enough to win.

Bianca Jagoe said...

Squee! Count me in :)

chnws said...



verΓ³nica estΓ΅ndar said...

oh me me me me me, i would love that bag, ooh :)

Mafie* said...

Everything is gorgeous. :D the bag is amazing. YOU ARE AMAZING. :D

Neri said...

oh i would just pretend-die if i win this. is there anything i like more than your kitties? NONE!

Unknown said...

I am so in love with the scribble drawing. I can't help but laugh everytime I see it!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love your grumpy kitties :3

nevertheless said...

yes please *fingers crossed*

Esther McIsaac said...

Bloody 'el stop givin' away

rhianna said...

yay for cat related cuteness~!

Sharon Lichtfeld said...

Holy Molly I want some ubber cute stuff!

lucindaa said...

ooo kitties!
I'd love some kitty related goods!

tabsk said...

The scribble kitty tote would make my day, every day. In fact, if that was the only prize I would still be ecstatic!

Zelda said...

I have just discovered your blog yesterday !!
I m french and i like yours kitties and bags, and dogs too. they are so funny and cutes !
So i am a new fan ....

Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me!! :-)

Rikke Poder said...

My cat is a bit pissed that I always carry my "Pugs not Drugs" totebag around, so he would be more than happy to see me with a new kitty bag.

alice said...

Thanks for doing another giveaway :) I love that kitty tote.

Lars said...

ooh i want that tote bag so much!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway!! Actually I love *all* of your illustrations, but the cats are my favourites.

I ADORE cats, we have three lovely little furballs. They're like my babies! :)

Amandine said...

pick me, plesae !!

Amandine,a french girl who loves you Gemma !

C said...

Ooh, great giveaway, count me in!!

Erica Salcedo said...

Oh!!! please chose me!! i love so much your work, and i´m a cat lover ^__^

holly butcher said...

To have that kitty scribble bag would be nice. thanks gemma!

Maria said...

Yeah! I'd love to have a tote bag from yooouuuu ~

VixenLily said...

so adorably cute!!!
fingers crossed x

Catherine Hayward said...

Would love to win some Gemma Correll goodies!

eszett said...

count me in, too!
i'm crossing all fingers and toes i've got

Leila said...

Please please please pick me! I adore your work and I'd love some cute kitty goodies

(οΎ‰・_-)☆*+cella:*+: said...

hope i get chosen!!
i love totes and cats and your illustrations!

Gela said...

Oh, fingers crossed! I love that tote!

Sarah-Beth said...

Oohh! I'd love love love to win this. I'm crossing my paws.

mareike said...

yay! i never win anything but i have to give it a try..

Anonymous said...

Phew, you have too many fas miss, but I'll give it another try...;)

LOve the crayon-doodled-on kitty.

Claire said...

excellent! I love the new tote bag :D

Tia Sakura said...

kitty! =^__^=
me please!

Petra A. Bauer said...

Oh, there were sooo many people faster than me... But I'd love to get one of these cute totes and otherkitty stuff of your package! Even would pay the shipping for Germany!
I love your work!

Dalie said...

i love squiggle kitty. can u remember those colouring books that u painted with water to reveal the colours? i miss those x

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