Sunday, December 05, 2010

Rydw i'n mynd i Gymru.

I'm off to Cardiff this week to paint a mural at the wonderful Chapter Arts Centre.
Any tips? (I've never been there before)

On another note - here's my coaster design for AGM's Christmas Coaster promo...


parisa mahmoudi said...

cute face with lovely hair!!!

bethan said...

I can vouch for that article...

Also, urban outfitters is now open (was due to open on the 2nd) - you'll have some good shopping places round there, and in the surrounding lanes.

If you want to venture out of the city, st fagans museum of welsh life is wonderful, it's in suburbs. And the museum in the city centre is also excellent.

Chapter does great food, and lots going on there, so you'll be fine when doing the mural :)

Pob hwyl!

Anonymous said...

I second St Fagens. Cibo in Pontcanna is about 10 mins from Chapter and does lovely pizza and pasta.

Unknown said...

want to see the result so badly!!

Debra said...

Excited to see the result!
I grew up in Cardiff so I recommend the museum, some great artwork in there, my faves being the Bacon and Hockney paintings :)

Marloes de Vries said...

I love it! The hair is great!

cardboardcities said...

aaah i love your style. those specs are fab!

gwdihĊµ is a good place to go, the people always seem nice and friendly. there's some nice boutiques in the high street arcade. i particularly like looby loos, i found an amazing royal blue pencil skirt in there a while ago. capital bookshop has some really good books sometimes if you have a search around.

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