Monday, June 20, 2011


I'm taking part in two exhibitions next week. The first is a solo show at the wonderful Tatty Devine shop on Brick Lane- starting on Thursday (June) 30th. Then there's the Looking for Trouble show, curated by Amy Blackwell and featuring such talented ladies as Lizzy Stewart and Helen Entwisle- starting on Saturday July 2nd, in Nottingham...


Anonymous said...

Yay! I live in Nottingham and I'm a big fan of Amy Blackwell, she did a interview in the Leftlion Nottingham local magazine recently, so pleased to see all this talent coming to Nottingham, finally! :D

Anonymous said...

oh my, this is too wonderful to be true. why on heart don't i live where art actually happens?

Gemma-Louise said...

When's your Tatty Devine show on til Gemma? Would love to have a peek! x

Nan and B.A.G.S. the pug said...

Oh man! I wish I lived there to go see it! Yea Gemma!

Patri Tezanos said...

Hi Gemma!

I'm a spanish blogger who has enterely fell in love of your illustrations. Tomorrow, 9:00, i'm publishing a post talking about you and your illustrations.

You're trully inspiration.

Greetings from Madrid! ; )

gemma correll said...

@ Rachel - She's super talented! I'm hoping to go down (or up?) for the opening night, and to do some doodles on the gallery walls!

@ Catarina - Not much happens where I live either ;)

@ Gemma - Actually, I'm not sure, I will find out!

@ Nan and BAGS - Thanks! :)

@ Patri - Gracias!! :)

Cara Edwards said...

busy lady! good luck with it all :)

Discount Promo codes said...

Great !! I live in London and I'm a big fan of Amy Blackwell, she did a interview in the Leftlion London local magazine recently.
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